An Interactive Book Reading + Conversation

Thursday, March 7
6 - 8pm
Brookline, MA

Join authors Rimi Chakraborty and Samantha Anderson, along with Creative Re/Frame Co-Founders Wendy Swart Grossman and Jen Guillemin at Wendy’s beautiful home for an interactive evening with fabulous women gathering in community on the eve of International Women's Day!

The evening is all about creativity, chakras, conversation, meeting inspiring women leaders and the importance of tending to our own roots so we can reclaim balance and well-being and be at our best. And of course there will be food and drink!

Meet other inspiring women and get a signed copy of the authors' newly released, Beyond Resilience to Rootsilience book!  

Please RSVP below and a few days prior to the event you'll receive the address and instructions for arrival by walking, T or car. Street parking available.


We are deluged with books, articles and fads on what to eat or not eat, what special breathing technique can get us on a rocket ship to “nirvana” or what hot new product we need to reach everlasting happiness. We are looking for a magic bullet, a secret potion or diet that will solve all our (gut health, mental health, and anxiety) problems. Rather than a “one-size-fits-all” approach, Beyond Resilience to Rootsilience is a leadership framework that offers today’s women leaders a blueprint to genuine, lasting equilibrium and empowerment.


Our body shows us when we’ve been stretched beyond our limits and knocked out of balance. But what can we do about it and how can we recognize those first signs?

Women leaders need a new path to balance, well-being and success. Beyond Resilience to Rootsilience is that path.

Resilience is not enough to deal with the stressors and challenges of the day. Our new word, Rootsilience, takes the notion of “resilience” a step deeper, and teaches us to be grounded, rooted and able to respond to stressors from a place of security rather than being stretched beyond our limits.


Beyond Resilience to Rootsilience empowers women leaders to reclaim balance, well-being and success. Our body shows us when we’ve been stretched beyond our limits and knocked out of balance. But what can we do about it and how can we recognize those first signs? Beyond Resilience to Rootsilience shows us how.